Numbering for IT
Next: DECnet Numbering Up: Network Numbering Previous: Introduction Hall lo all friend you can learn is hacking to follow as; IP Numbering The Internet Network Information Centre at NIC.DDN.MIL has assigned the class B network [] (known as UWO-NET) to the University of Western Ontario. The Department of Computing and Communications Services (CCS) manages the assignment of numbers from that network and coordinates the interconnection of local networks to one another and the world. The Internet NIC has delegated authority and responsibility for UWO-NET to the local NIC which is CCS. By a class C subnet we mean a physical network(s) with systems assigned numbers from an IP-net of the form [129.100.x.0] for some fixed value of x. For example, the campus backbone is the class C subnet [] known as in the Domain Name System. By an autonomous subne...